Our Brand Ambassador
The No Bull Sheds Brand Ambassador:
Karl Johnson – Turf Manager Seddon Park & FMG Waikato Stadium
A Word From KJ
Hi everyone my name is Karl Johnson (KJ), I am the turf manager for both Seddon Park and the FMG Waikato Stadium, as well as holding senior advisory roles in this field throughout New Zealand, the South Pacific and the Middle East.
I have also been a volunteer firefighter for 17 years. I love being able to do my bit for the community and get a buzz from connecting with people – “Real people”.
The opportunity for me to represent NO BULL SHEDS was a no brainer.
The brand motto Your Shed, Your Way, Let’s Talk resonates with me explaining the process is as simple as it needs to be.
I am the very proud brand ambassador for NO BULL SHEDS.
Why am I PROUD and what makes me the perfect person for this role?
It is real to me and my family. Yes that’s right, before I knew anyone at NO BULL, I researched and purchased a NO BULL shed.
Through my research I kept getting drawn by something.
Was it that fact the pricing was visible? Or that the people were open, empathetic and experts in their fields (from the initial enquiry to design and sales right through the operational and finishing touch phases)?
The experience is what absolutely stood out for me.
Sheds are important, but the NO BULL experience is what I will cherish every time I sneak a look at my shed.
Whatever it was, I am over the moon with my shed.
The Shed Itself
My new NO BULL kit set shed is better than I could have dreamed.
It looks great, performs even better and has melded in with the surroundings perfectly.
The process: From the initial sales consultation through to the handing over of the keys, nothing was a problem for the staff at The Waikato Shed Company be it verbal or documented instructions
The support: Absolutely nothing was a problem – face-to-face on site, by email or phone.

Need a kitset shed?
Book a time to discuss the kitset shed that’s perfect for your needs.